Comment Policy
Out of our intention to build a respectful and positive ethos in our community, The Song Foundry expects all comments made by visitors to our website to comply with higher standards than many other sites.
We expect all our site visitors to adhere to three simple principles:
1) Don’t be a jerk
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. We welcome critical and supportive feedback – of us, of our site, or of members of our community – as much as we welcome positive and supportive feedback. However, if your comments are not supportive and might be considered insulting, personal, disparaging or defamatory, please keep them to yourself and don’t post them publicly.
2) Write properly
The Song Foundry is a community for smart and ambitious songwriters, not a chat forum. If you choose to make comments on our site, we expect you to engage in a civil and intelligent manner, and to use decent written English.
3) Take responsibility for what you post
We expect you to stand by any contribution you make to our website, in the same way a person would engaging with another in real life. That means using your real name and your real email address (we won’t share it with others) for comments and holding yourself accountable for anything you say.
We reserve the right to remove or edit comments that do not meet these standards, and to block users from our website who continue to post content we deem inappropriate. Your right to express your thoughts freely comes with the responsibility to express them in an appropriate manner.
May 2015