The Song Foundry


In 2016 we ran a Kickstarter Campaign to crowdfund the production costs for the videos you see on this site.

Here are the names of the awesome people who helped make those videos happen. We take our hats off to them.

Major Supporters

Julia Swift and David Bamber

Jane and Geoff Bell

Maurice Bell

Charles Bradley

Lee Butler


Peilin Chou

Cheryl and Kevin Jones

Lis Kalogris

Patricia Lawson

Kaytie Lee


Laura Luc

Lucy and Dennis Luc

Javier Muñoz

Joel White


Lara Acott

Daniel Adams

Kate Anderson

Lindsey Anderson

Luke Baker

Theo Bamber

James Banton

Alice Barrett

Andrew Bell

Phil Bell

Barbara Bellman

Don Berry

Charissa Bertels and James Pingenot

Luke Billingham

Julie Carr

Michael Conley

Amelia Cormack

Bryce Cutler

Christian Duhamel

Yurel Echezarreta

Sylvia and Graeme Elder

Jenny Evans

James Farrimond

Geoffrey Fichte

Richard Frampton

David Gautschy

Sophie Gledhill

Fernando Gonzalez

Jose Gonzalez

Jen Green

Karl H.

David Hoyle

Rob Hughes

Steve Kershaw

Kim Lanzoni

James Lark

Brianna Leary

SunJeong Lee

Eric Lin

Charles Mauleverer

Chris Moore

Sarah A. Mucek

Simon Nathan

Ben Nicholls

Alex Nixon

Ayumi Okada

Alex Presland

Erin Murray Quinlan

Katy Read

Sarah Safford

Mrs Sue Saperia

Pernille Justice Star Schmidt

Andrew Simmons

Barbara Smith Lavalley

Justin Stolarik

Ruth Sullivan

Tracy Sullivan

Vee Vian Thien

Richard Voyce

Flossie Waite

Alex Walker

Hannah Weinberg

Sarah Weinberg

Sophie Weinberg

Nathaniel Wolkstein

April Woodall

Omar Zulaica