Songwriting Tools, Ideas and Inspiration

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Ed Bell. The Song Foundry. Songwriting coaching. Songwriting courses. Songwriting tips.

I’m a songwriter, author and music educator.

In half my life I’m a songwriter for theatre and film, where I’ve written award-winning stage shows, written songs for Oriental DreamWorks and worked on dozens of creative projects around the world.

In the other half I help thousands of songwriters hit their goals each month, through my bestselling songwriting books, inspiring video courses and popular songwriting articles.

I don’t just do quick tips and tricks. I don’t pretend there’s some simple shortcut to success. I actually help people find the skills, confidence and creativity to write the songs they want to write – whether they’re on their first song or their thousandth.

So if you’re ready to level up your skills and have a ton of fun in the process – welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

Songwriting Magazine Making Music Magazine Songwriting Studies The Guild of International Songwriters & Composers Songwriters Association of Canada

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