by Ed Bell | Sep 20, 2019 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
I’ve written about writer’s block before – why it doesn’t really exist, how to change your mind about it, and how to deal with the tencertainty of feeling unsure or stuck while you write. But in this article, taken from a bonus chapter from my...
by Ed Bell | Sep 6, 2019 | Inspiration, Lyric Tools, Music Tools
One of my key philosophies here at The Song Foundry is that being a good songwriter is about being one of a kind. And to make what you write one of a kind, you have to make what you listen to and what you think about one of a kind. There’s tons of value in...
by Ed Bell | Dec 5, 2018 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
I am an idiot. For every time I’ve known the answer, there are three when I didn’t. For every time I’ve asked a smart question, there are four when I had to ask a dumb one. For every time I’ve been confident in a decision I’ve made, there’s been seven when I had no...
by Ed Bell | Sep 27, 2018 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
If you’ve ever said “But today’s music sucks”, you wouldn’t be the first and you won’t be the last. There are basically two ways of looking at this. One: maybe you’re right. Maybe music today is far more about image and marketing than music. Maybe music today is more...
by Ed Bell | Jan 25, 2018 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
Be restless. Dream big. Want more. Go new places. Meet new people. Try new things. Don’t settle. Life is too short not to. Now don’t get me wrong. Dreams are earned. Dreams are fought for. They’re not wishes granted by some motherfucking genie in a bottle. The...