by Ed Bell | Apr 9, 2020 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
“What a time to be alive” is my new catchphrase. I’m even annoying myself with how much I say it. But annoying-me-who-needs-to-find-something-more-original-to-say also has a point. This is history. This is an enormous global event that people will be talking about for...
by Ed Bell | Nov 30, 2018 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
Songs aren’t written, they’re rewritten. PRETTY MUCH EVERY SONGWRITER EVER It’s a cliché but it’s true. Lots of art that looks like it was easy to make was not easy to make. Lots of songs that sound like they came out in one go, perfectly formed did not...
by Ed Bell | Nov 8, 2018 | Building a Career, Inspiration
Every day’s a school day. There’s always more to know. There’s always something you hadn’t considered. There’s always room for improvement. You never reach perfection, just like you never reach knowing it all. There’s no upper...
by Ed Bell | May 18, 2018 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
veSometimes it feels like the world is going crazy. The Nrazise are back! A third of millennials will never own a home! Flint, Michigan still doesn’t have clean water! And don’t even get me started on politics.b But that’s only half the story. In fact and in...