by Ed Bell | Dec 18, 2020 | Building a Career, Inspiration
In March this year, The Song Foundry Inc., the business behind the site, turned five. And to celebrate five years of running a real grownup company, I’d planned an article about some of the things I’d learned in that time. But then (spoiler alert) the world went a bit...
by Ed Bell | Dec 11, 2020 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
If you’ve, say, ever tried creating something new, you’ll know about writer’s block and procrastination. So before we get started, here are two important provisos: One: writer’s block isn’t really a thing. Seriously. You’re blocked...
by Ed Bell | Nov 16, 2020 | Lyric Tools, Music Tools
This is article is based on my book How to Write a Song (Even If You’ve Never Written One Before and You Think You Suck). You can also explore this process in even more detail in my new How to Write a Song Video Course. How do you write a song? It’s a...
by Ed Bell | Apr 9, 2020 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
“What a time to be alive” is my new catchphrase. I’m even annoying myself with how much I say it. But annoying-me-who-needs-to-find-something-more-original-to-say also has a point. This is history. This is an enormous global event that people will be talking about for...
by Ed Bell | Jan 16, 2020 | Music Tools
Once, producing professional-sounding music meant shelling out hundreds or thousands of dollars hiring a professional studio – or much more building your own. These were the Dark Ages of music production, a grim and barbaric era that ran roughly until the turn of the...