by Ed Bell | Apr 30, 2019 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
Aside from a handful of things that are taught in classrooms, very little in life is linear. Population growth, technological advances and the effects of climate change almost never make straight lines on graphs: they’re curves, they’re waves or something...
by Ed Bell | Dec 5, 2018 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
I am an idiot. For every time I’ve known the answer, there are three when I didn’t. For every time I’ve asked a smart question, there are four when I had to ask a dumb one. For every time I’ve been confident in a decision I’ve made, there’s been seven when I had no...
by Ed Bell | Nov 30, 2018 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
Songs aren’t written, they’re rewritten. PRETTY MUCH EVERY SONGWRITER EVER It’s a cliché but it’s true. Lots of art that looks like it was easy to make was not easy to make. Lots of songs that sound like they came out in one go, perfectly formed did not...
by Ed Bell | Sep 10, 2018 | Building a Career, Inspiration, The Creative Habit
Sometimes the best way to learn is to go it alone. Sometimes the best way to learn is with help and guidance. Songwriting, as it turns out, is best learned with a mixture of the two. Let’s talk about why. Do You Need to Work with a Songwriting Coach? It’s a...
by Ed Bell | Nov 28, 2017 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
Leo Tolstoy once wrote that “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Well, it turns out songwriting is the opposite. Every happy songwriter is happy because they’re unique in some way. But the causes behind every stuck,...