by Ed Bell | Dec 11, 2020 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
If you’ve, say, ever tried creating something new, you’ll know about writer’s block and procrastination. So before we get started, here are two important provisos: One: writer’s block isn’t really a thing. Seriously. You’re blocked...
by Ed Bell | Nov 20, 2020 | Building a Career, Inspiration
I don’t usually like to blow my own trumpet, but I’ll just say it: I’m good at a lot of things. I can sit on the floor in front of a piano, cross my hands behind my head and play the opening of Mozart’s C Major Piano Sonata. I know the Spanish word for ‘dude’ in like...
by Ed Bell | Sep 20, 2019 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
I’ve written about writer’s block before – why it doesn’t really exist, how to change your mind about it, and how to deal with the tencertainty of feeling unsure or stuck while you write. But in this article, taken from a bonus chapter from my...
by Ed Bell | Jun 12, 2019 | Inspiration, The Creative Habit
I’ll be honest, I don’t often read reviews. I’d rather form my own opinion of a work of art than figure it out second hand through somebody else. But recently, one particular phrase in a couple of different reviews really stuck with me: “[The Artist]’s ambition...
by Ed Bell | Mar 11, 2019 | Lyric Tools, Music Tools
“So do you write the music or lyrics first?” If I got a dollar for every time someone asked me this at a party I’d make more money each month than most songwriters get paid for Spotify streams. And the honest answer is, it depends – and doesn’t really matter. As for...